The real estate agent email marketing list

Access hundreds of real estate agent contacts near you

The ultimate, nationwide list of real estate agents

Accurate. High-quality. Up-to-date. We work tirelessly to provide you with the very best real estate agent leads in your area. Break it down geographically by state, county, city, or zip code so you can precisely target just the agents in your target market.

Send your real estate email flyers to agents in specific cities, counties or zip codes - anywhere in the United States. You'll get a total count of agents in your target areas. Then simply add them to your list queue and they'll be loaded into your account in 24 hours.

Get real estate email flyers - straight to your inbox

Be the first to know about new listings, broker's opens, price reductions, and more.

Screenshot of confirmed opens

Zero spam. All real estate agents on in our database have chosen to receive our flyers, and can opt out at any time. Unsubscribe links are included automatically in every single email flyer sent through our platform, which keeps your campaign 100% compliant.

What's more, our database is updated daily. We maintain a master "do not email" list (similar to the national do not call list). This ensures that any real estate agent who does not want to receive email flyers from any of our customers get permanently unsubscribed.

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